Hope Church on the Hill | United Methodist Church | Flint Michigan





New to Hope Church



Friendliness and openness have described Hope Church for many years. Yet we strive to not only be a friendly church – but our goal is a place where you can make friends to help you grow in your faith. 
Our Hospitality ministries goal is to not only make sure you feel welcomed but also embraced with the love of Christ. There is a small gift to welcome every visitor and guest that enters. 

If you would like to volunteer for our hospitality ministry here are some ways:

Greeter: Welcomes everyone who enters with a handshake and a hello. We ask that greeters be present by 10:30 am so that they may greet everyone.

Ushers: The ushers welcome each and every person who enters our worship space and offer a worship folder. They also take the offering, serve communion when needed and straighten up the worship space after worship. They are asked to arrive by 10:30 am on their assigned team Sunday. 

Welcome Center: The welcome center is new here at Hope Church as we offer a simple gift and warm hospitality to every visitor and guest. They are asked to arrive by 10:30 am on their assigned team Sunday. 

Host Family: Each Sunday after worship is an opportunity to be in fellowship with one another with the offering of sweets. Coffee and Punch is provided by the church, you are encourage to bring enough sweets for about 80 people. You will be responsible for greeting at the table and cleaning up afterwards. 

If you would like to serve in any of these areas, please contact the church office: office@hopechurchonthehill.com

Fellowship opportunities

Circle of Hope:  Monthly all women are welcome to join together in a time of fellowship along with service. This group gathers together the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm. 

Monthly potluck:  Do you like a true variety of foods? Then you are in luck.  From September – May on the third Sunday of the month everyone is welcome to come downstairs into the Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship around a table. A main dish is always provided along with tableware and drinks. If you are able please bring a dish to pass, if you forget or are unable – come anyway, there is always plenty!

Film Fest:  10 years ago started a tradition of a Film Fest during the cold blustery days of winter here in Mid-Michigan. On about 5 Sunday evenings in January/February we gather to watch a movie together usually followed by good discussion. Look for the special advertisement as it gets close!