Hope Church on the Hill | United Methodist Church | Flint Michigan





New to Hope Church



How do I join Hope Church?

Hope United Methodist Church has adopted the vision statement… To experience and share the love of God with our community. As part of that goal we believe that there is a covenant relationship that exists when we choose to become members of a church.

Everyone is always welcome to attend without joining for as long as they feel comfortable. When the time comes that membership is desired we ask that prospective members attend a scheduled membership class, or if one is not available individual meetings with pastor will take place. 

We believe in the covenant of membership here at Hope Church – We believe it is best to be a follower of Christ in community of believers. Following Jesus is not a spectator sport – we must actively participate. Membership at Hope is a commitment between God, the church is the Body of Christ and the individual. It is a commitment which we believe should be life long and life changing. 

In a membership class or in consultation with the pastor topics of discussion and conversation include

  • Basic knowledge of the Christian Faith
  • The unique history and theology of the United Methodist Church
  • Ways in which opportunities are possible for fellowship and spiritual growth
  • Look at the gifts God has given us
  • Explore serving Christ with all that we have including our time, talents and treasures.


Baptism is available to infants, children, youth as well as adults. Within our understanding of the community of faith we believe that baptism is one of two sacraments and it is an outward sign of an inward grace. Because God is active in baptism it is not repeatable, we recognize baptisms done in other faith communities. If you have any questions or would like more information about Baptism please feel free to talk to Pastor.