Hope Church on the Hill | United Methodist Church | Flint Michigan





New to Hope Church


New to Hope Church

Hope United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation for all who are seeking to know Jesus. We invite you to join us at our weekly worship service along with other programs and events. Here are common questions we receive…

What time is service?
We currently have 1 service each Sunday morning, it begins at 11:00 am. 

Our worship is casual, blending traditional elements with some more contemporary features. 

Where are we?
We are located at 4467 Beecher Rd in Flint Township. We are often called the Church on the Hill at Beecher and MillClick here for a map and directions to the church. 

How early should I arrive?
We recommend arriving about 10 minutes before the service to allow time for parking and seating. Our parking lot is located behind our building. There are driveways located on Beecher Rd, just east of the stoplight and on Glen Ellyn Dr which is less than 1 block east of stoplight.  New signs help direct you to both driveways.

How do I dress?
You will find some who prefer a more traditional church dress and others who wear jeans and are casual. Please join us in whatever you are comfortable in.  What is important is that we are gathering together to worship. 

What will worship be like?
The worship service includes classic hymns along with more modern songs. Our preaching is Biblically based and intends to be relevant to everyday life. 
We encourage parents and children to worship together, children’s activity bags are available on the post near the greeters. Currently we have a “One-Room Schoolhouse” model of Sunday School.  It is available for children 4 years old through 6th grade. An unstaffed nursery is available for your use, the worship service is piped into that room for you need. 

What We Believe

Mission Statement
To make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the world.

Vision Statement
To Experience and Share the Love of God with our community

Everything we do as Hope Church is focused on fulfilling our Mission Statement. It is adpted from the mission statement of the Worldwide United Methodist Church, using the final words Jesus gave to his disciples before he ascended in Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.“ (Common English Bible) 

In order to fulfill the mission that Jesus gives us we must grow in our faith and share Jesus with the world which is why we try to always look at our Vision Statement as we make decisions or plan for the future as we strive To Experience and Share the Love of God with our community.

Church History

Hope United Methodist Church was formed out of the merger in 1968 of First Evangelical United Brethren and Graham United Methodist Church. Since that time many other churches have joined formally or informally the family of Hope UMC.  This has always been a place where all are welcome. 

1st EUB Church of Flint was founded in 1869 as First Evangelical Church, the original building is a historic structure that is listed as the oldest Church building in Flint. In 1966 the church moved to the current location with the building of our present facility. The first service held on Christmas Eve 1966.  In 1977 an large addition was completed with included the current offices and classroom hallway.